(Golden spider, that I spotted on my room wall... in November 2021)



1. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086905242376) 

2. STRAYING FROM EVIL (2mymainconcern69.blogspot.com)


Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (lifewire.com)

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter 'www.beginnings77.blogspot.com'... to interact with the posted URL addresses, cellularly]


1. Dr. Thea Kozakis 🌅 (@theakozakis) / Twitter

2. Charlie Dai (@Charlie_S_Dai) / Twitter

3. Bianca Peters (@BIANCApeters8) / Twitter

4. Christian Taylor (@Taylored2jump) / Twitter


5. Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter 


2:42 PM (10/28/22):

03.11.2073 (@03.11.2073) | TikTok

"Interesting video of a dude from the year 2073 (51 years, into the future)... 'His' words are intriguing: 'I'm not here... ...you may see me, but I'm hollow...' ..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:14 PM (10/28/22):

"In retrospect, the way such is stated... gives the impression of someone 'submerged' or 'disoriented'... as if 'effectively detached,' from the material plane/realm/world..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:31 PM (10/28/22): "Key words/phrases are 'you may' and 'I'm hollow'... assuming, there could be some divine significance... to my 'hypothesis/observation'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(an artistic depiction of Jesus Christ, soaring through the air... 40 days, after His 3-day Resurrection... when He had ascended/departed, to heaven)

NOTE: To relate to a 'hollow person'... one likely would have to be relating to Enoch, from the bible... given he was 'whisked away' by 'God the Father'... at the age, of 365...

FOLLOWING THE THREAD (2skywalking48.blogspot.com) (see posting as of 11:47 PM, on 5/22/22)


2:34 PM (10/28/22): 


"There are many places in nature, that are unexplored... outside of society. A human is in his/her natural state, when the elements of such... present confrontation..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:53 PM (10/27/22):

hollowz, dienandt - nimmer - YouTube

"Sometimes, there are many trees... obscuring one's view, of a 'grander forest'... An ideal path to a given destination, has a certain route... which may have less obstacles, than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:41 PM (10/27/22):

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: I've been to the Mountaintop & M83 - By the Kiss (slowed down) - YouTube

"I have often wondered about the location, of the mountain... that MLK was referring to, given that there are many... in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Climbing Olympus Mons - Tallest Planetary Mountain in the Solar System - YouTube 

(Olympus Mons happens to also be... a volcano) 

11:49 PM (10/27/22): 

Walking through the entranceway to Seton Hall University (1:37 PM, on 4/4/22) - YouTube


11:06 PM (10/27/22):

"The question of who one is, is multifaceted... Such requires great introspection, to be answered accurately... Personally, I don't believe I began to truly begin finding myself... until I was on the verge of 29 years old (when I had about a week left, until then)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
lion king - remember who you are (HD) - YouTube

The Real You - Alan Watts - YouTube

Black at Rice: Living the Black Student Experience - YouTube


Six trailblazing Owls honored at the First Black Student-Athletes Celebration - YouTube (a video I happened to watch unintentionally, which seemed informative... yet, a bit controversial... testimony-wise)


About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)


Fastest 200m Time Recorded at every age [15-35] (sprinter age progression).jpg (1280×720) (googleusercontent.com)


11:00 PM (10/27/22):
"I noticed [upon visiting this website (www.beginnings77.blogspot.com) cellularly, moments ago...] that the 'video loading time window'... is faster, for links that are laptop or desktop-based, as opposed to those... which I post, via my cellphone... I wonder what the basis for this, is..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


8:15 PM (10/27/22):

(some 'leftover' meatballs, and peppered carrots... as of 7:59 PM, today)


6:58 PM (10/27/22):

Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael53413241) / Twitter 


Russia's Putin says he won't use nuclear weapons in Ukraine (yahoo.com) 

"Time is the 'irreversible river,' in which humans flow... and wisdom tends to precede 'genuine progression,' regarding reaping that... which one sows..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:03 PM (10/27/22):

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit… but test the spirits… to see whether they are from God… because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is from God… but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming… and even now, is already in the world…” – 1 John 4


Older article (for context):

Mark Zuckerberg’s Net Worth Is Down $71 Billion, Putting Focus on Meta’s Woes - Bloomberg

5:06 PM (10/27/22):

Mark Zuckerberg Has Lost $100 Billion in Just Over a Year Amid Facebook/Meta Woes (msn.com)

"I'm not sure how one loses this much money, so quickly... but ideally, one take steps... to deter decisions, that could be as costly..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Twitter Reacts to Mark Zuckerberg's $100 Billion Net Worth Loss (msn.com)


Jack Ma:"When u have 1 billion Dollars, that's not your money." - YouTube 



Imagine how much 'food' $100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion dollars) could buy... Such is a value, 1,000 times greater... than $100,000,000 (one hundred million dollars)...

see: Michael Izuchukwu on Twitter: ""Interesting article... In such, Byron Allen has the vibe of, 'I guess sometimes I'm on the West Coast, and then there are times... when I want to head over, to the East Coast..." - Michael Izuchukwu https://t.co/FGrWQvOsmW" / Twitter


Austin Powers - 100 billion dollars - YouTube


4:30 PM (10/27/22):

(a sausage link, some gravy-topped mashed potatoes, and spinach... as of 4:14 PM, today)


2:50 PM (10/27/22):


"Obscenely wealthy, 19-year-old female... I could not have envisioned such luxury, at that age..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:52 PM (10/27/22):

A Day in My Life as a Politics Student at Oxford ☕🍂 studying, cooking, classes - YouTube

"College life is usually refined by a number of variables, such as whether or not one secures academic or athletic scholarships... and the nature of 'on-campus, socialization'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:28 PM (10/27/22):


"Life documentation can be beneficial, depending on one's degree of ambition... and one's trajectory..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(from left to right - me, JJ/John Jr. (middle brother) and Joey/Joe (youngest brother)... a timelapse, from 1997-2020)


2:25 PM (10/27/22):


"One's upbringing and familial relations, may heavily influence... one's degree of frugality... in one's twenties..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:08 PM (10/27/22):

GUIDING THE WAY (godaddysites.com) 


I'm black and I'm a member of the 1% - YouTube


Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=105017262405115&set=a.104319965808178) 


10:57 AM (10/27/22):

(peppered tuna and carrots, as of 10:12 AM... today)


7:38 AM (10/27/22): 


New president of Rice University reflects on the University's past and future - YouTube


Rice University: The Inauguration Of Rice's Eighth President - YouTube


6:46 AM (10/27/22): 

China Is Now The Richest Country On Earth | IFLScience

"Interesting article... I have wondered what the culture and 'way of life'... of China, is like... on a day-to-day basis... given there is an implication, that their society... is more advanced, than that... of the United States..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:51 AM (10/27/22):
The 10 Smartest Countries Based on Math and Science (businessinsider.com)

"The hypothesis I just made, may be correlated to the contents... of the above article..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:59 AM (10/27/22):

Chinese President Xi and Russian President Putin takes the CRH to Tianjin - YouTube

"Interesting video, that I first encountered... when I had been in University City, MO... in the summer of 2020... Tianjin is a city, in China... and there are many advanced types of trains, that are in development... such as 'superconducting ones'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:42 AM (10/27/22):


"Interesting video of some people on a tour bus, through New York City... There are many sights there, I have not seen..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:07 AM (10/27/22):


"Interesting video, that I surmise my middle brother... JJ, could find inspiring (regarding 'high life'). He is presently 31 years old, but I haven't seen him... since he was '27'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:40 PM (10/26/22):
19 - YouTube

"A nice song... I remember my 19th birthday (like such was a couple days ago), in 2008... at the time, I had been at Wiess College, in the dorm room of some Wiess classmen (even though I technically would not have transferred from Hanszen to Wiess college, until my second semester at that institution)... I had been greeted by some Hansenzites, from my Orientation-Week group (Pamela Cosio and Myles Bugbee, among others)... when they opened the door, to what had been the suite of my best friend... then (Louis Chen, who I befriended in a class known as 'Physics 111'...during the first week, of school), who had suitemates of Kunle Roberts, Lathan Henderson and Amit Suneja..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:53 PM (10/26/22):

What I Eat in a Week of College | Rice University - YouTube (video blog of a Wiess student)

10:03 PM (10/26/22): 

Owl City - Fireflies (Official Music Video) - YouTube [a song, that my first roommate at Rice University - Kevin Ting, used to play a lot (which I am also fond of)... when I had been at Hanszen college... I departed from there, for personal reasons... regarding my 'personal needs and preferences'... at the time]

At least, such is to my recollection...


8:20 PM (10/26/22):
THURSDAY - WHY ENGINEERS GET FREE FOOD + why I hate remote work - YouTube

"From my personal experience, spacetime passes differently... based off how much food one ingests, and how 'physiologically efficient' one is (regarding metabolic rate, and degree of sedentariness)... It's best to eat things 'in moderation,' with emphasis on quality... over quantity..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:14 PM (10/26/22):


"Sometimes, one has to take the path less traveled... in order to capitalize on ideal opportunities, in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:08 PM (10/26/22):


"Interesting video of a dude on a boat (with some gals) in Miami, Florida... ...'living the life'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:46 PM (10/26/22):

(meatballs and spaghetti, as of 3:56 PM... today)

(peppered carrots, as of 4:06 PM... today)


1:44 PM (12/11/21): "If humans ventured into the depths of space (on a long-term basis), and sought to colonize other planets... they would need to find a means, of establishing a 'sustainable' food supply... Transporting animals from Earth, for the sake of cooking them... would be an economic nightmare..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:47 PM (12/11/21): "An artistic rendering of planet Gliese 581c, which is 20.42 lightyears from Earth... There are many exoplanets in the cosmos, on which life is thought... to be..." - Michael Izuchukwu

M83 - "By The Kiss" - YouTube

7:40 PM (12/11/21):

"My Kingdom is not, of this world..." - John 18:36 

"Jesus Christ instinctively knew that He was meant for something greater, than which others believed Him to be... His guardian father was Saint Joseph, and His mother was the Virgin Mary Magdalene... whom He was born of, via the 'Immaculate Conception'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

My Kingdom Is Not of This World - YouTube

7:41 PM (12/11/21): 

7:45 PM (12/11/21): "After Jesus Christ's Crucifixion, He Resurrected after 3 days passed... He was then among His 11 (of 12) remaining apostles, until 40 more days had elapsed... Subsequently, He departed to heaven... via an 'ascent'... and assumed the role of His 'heavenly Father'... 

...in the context of the Holy Trinity, God is the Father ('God the Father') the Son ('Jesus Christ') and the Holy Spirit ('a human's link to God')... Given that Jesus Christ now performs the function of God, the Holy Spirit is a human's link... to Him... God the Father, likely operates in a more efficient capacity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:47 PM (12/11/21): 

"Here we have a photo of some 'Corn Pops' cereal... I've been drinking so much water as of late, that now I feel bloated... I suppose the carbohydrates within such, are to blame... due to their 'absorption' factor..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:50 PM (12/11/21): 

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

Jesus Teaches that We Must Become as Little Children - YouTube

9:22 PM (12/11/21): 

"When Jesus Christ was on Earth, due to the times He lived in... there were many food foragers and meals had to be rationed... I had formerly theorized, that 'the Last Supper' was an attempt... to subject Jesus to 'encumbrance'... so He would feel relatively immobile... and that such an act, preceded His Crucifixion..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Last Supper - YouTube

9:25 PM (12/11/21): 
"An artistic rendering, of 'the Last Supper':

4:47 AM (12/11/21): 
"After a long slumber, I awoke... I recollected this revelation of mine... from 2020... which had been relayed via a former Facebook profile of mine (which was scheduled for deletion, as of 12/9/21)...

FYI: "If one has a Facebook account, one can view the publicly visible posts... on my Facebook profile (which is intertwined with '3' supplementary ones, as of this moment)

